Good Morning, Friends!
We have been having a steady amount of rain since this Saturday past, and visitors to the Court, such as the young fellow spending some time at Our Gates with HRH Queen Emily have not had opportunity to visit Us. He seems a nice enough chap, as We have seen him near Our Terrace before, but he did forget protocol, and proceded, as We understand Young Puurson's present vernacular, to "chill '' with the Queen. Ever the polite Monarch, Queen Emily joined the young visitor in a similar posture, so as not to embarrass Her Most Loyal Subject. They chatted pleasantly for a bit, at which time, Our Young Subject excused himself and, bowing to the Queen, made his way elsewhere. The Queen finds all manner of God's Species quite entertaining!
The Queen Mum was quite upset over the matter of the Veterinarian's office policy where the Young Royals had gone to last Thursday for their injections. They are now required to forward the Young Royal's medical record to the Queen Mum, as she Was Not Amused by the conduct of the office staff. Well, these records have yet to arrive. In the meantime, an appointment was made at Our New Veterinarian's offices for this coming Thursday, August 31st for The Procedures each of the Young Royals must undergo. It is their duty to represent Responsible
Behaviours within Royal as we as Non-Royal Households regarding the health, safety and well-being of Young Ones of both species. HRH Prince Brutus is due to have his Hoo-Ha-ectomy, and HRH Princess Marigold, her Ladigardenectomy. What was not made clear to Us, was that the pre-procedure exam could be made on the same day as the procedures. When Queen Mum called to confirm the appointment and pre-operative preparations (she remembered the pre-operative ritual from when The Queen bravely went in for her ladigardenectomy 2 years back, but wanted to verify all was the same), the young lady informed Us that the actual procedures were not scheduled, but this time, QM recieved a POSITIVE date of Thursday, September 14th.
They will have their food and water removed at 12am midnight, and be taken to hospital by 10am Thursday morning, and have their procedures during Surgery Hours Midday. QM was informed that Prince Brutus would be able to return home that evening, but the Doctor recommended the Princess stay overnight. Queen Mum was stunned by the prospect of the two Young Royals being separated even for one night, as they have never, from birth, been separated. The kindly young woman must have sensed this, and quickly offered, "Oh, the Prince may stay with the Princess overnight, and they both may return home Friday morning!"
At that kindness, QM was able to exhale and thank the young woman for her kindness. QM plans to have their favourite blankie tucked into the recovery chambers for the two Young Royals as they overnight in Hospital.
The Queen Mother will be most pleased when this responsibility and duty of the Family is finally n the past. For some bewildering reason, it seems the simplest communications and efforts have been presenting quite upsetting news and needing looking after these past 2 weeks. QM has a theory...would you like to share in it? She feels that the humble Planet Pluto is quite irate at the demotion by those who have been reared to regard him as a planet due the respect that all planets are due. They, in fact, stole Pluto's dignity, and it must saddle him with great sadness and loss to think schoolchildren everywhere will think him less than the planet, an Honour to which he has become accustomed. We here, at the Royal House of Myres are quite distressed, as Pluto was the Queen Mum's favourite of all planets. What say you all?
Whilst it seems the Blogger has not a case of indigestion at the moment, we will attempt to post while we have the opportunity! Queen Mum has plenty of return visits to pay today and tomorrow.
We do ask that you please keep Luna in your puuayers, as of last word, she still is lost in that frightful forest. Also, please join the memorial to Trixie Meezer, a most Noble Lady who crossed over to the Rainbow Bridge Tuesday Morning. If you would be so kind, please consult Our Friend's site, www.Kat'sCatoftheDay.blogspot.com for information regarding a Memorial Service in Trixie's Honour.
Thank you all for visting, as always! Have a blessed day!