MY HOW THEY'VE GROWN!!! Good Sunday Morning!
We were made aware just last week that HRH Prince Brutus has grown so big in just the past 10 weeks, that poor Princess Marigold oftentimes gets "shoved out of the way" as the Prince stretches in his sleep! Princess Marigold seems to be remaining a kitten of petite stature. She is so closely bonded with the Prince that she never registers a complaint when she finds shared quarters tight now that the Prince has hit his "growth spurt". Queen Mum is anxiously awaiting September 14th, as she prays the spurt that Prince Brutus is undergoing remain one of growth, and nothing else. One shudders to think...
On our last post, Skeeeeezix the Cat offered an opinion on The Queen Mum's Pet Peeve at the moment, that of the Demotion of Planet Pluto. Mentioning The Food Lady being a Scorpio, this is what concerns QM as well, since Queen Mum is also a Scorpio. It seems such misfortunes have befallen The Royal House of Myres since this dastardly deed was done! We Are Not Amused. We have consulted with the Royal Astrologists on this matter, and expect a favourable outcome to this situation. That is, if they know what is good for them... This is all We have to say on the topic at this time.
We do hope that all of our Loyal Subjects are safe after the passing of the Tropical Depression along the East Coast of the Realm. Things were quite dramatic here, but all is well.
We hope you enjoy this long Holiday week-end! Rest well, and thank you for visiting!
Have a Blessed Day!