This was posted by KC last evening:
Mom Laura has decided, to bring Maxie home and make memories for a few days, then have him helped to the Bridge. Surgery will run about $6,000 and involves putting a stent in to hold his esophagus open. It was severely burned during an average dental procedure due to negligence by the vet. They are beyond upset and sad over this development. If anyone could help with an idea for a loan, please contact Mom Laura or even KC. They may be able to get the price of this surgery down somewhat.

We all know God does miracles.
The fact that a price is being put on poor Maxies' survival is sickening.
If you can follow the linkie to Maxie's page, (above) use the Paypal button there to donate (however much your heart tells you to!) towards Mom Laura's expenses, perhaps the sickness in heart and spirit within their home will lift,
and compassion will touch the treating Vet's Heart.
It was, after all, a 'colleague' of his that committed this heinous act of malpractice.
We in the Cat Blogosphere are spread World wide, but we all come together in our hearts when one of us is hurting.
Just ask the Royals!
We will start here in Our corner of New Jersey, and meet you all along the way.
This is an adventure in Faith and Healing!