Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Good Day, All!!
Thank you for visiting Us today, and on such a sweltering day at that! As we write, the temperature is 100 F, and with the humidity factored in, it feels like 110 F!! Way too hot to ask Cook to fire up the kitchen range, so we sent out for a pizza. We chose a Chicken Fajita Pizza from Poppa John's, as you can see. Princess Marigold likes her pizza spicy, so she is examining the spice packets that came along with the pizza. Unfortunately, they were fresh out of Organic Catnip, the Queen's favourite. We understand a fresh shipment will be delivered momentarily! We thank or Most Favoured Servant, ML, for the gift of the catnip!
Queen Mum is expecting a mystery parcel to be delivered by a nice young man wearing brown shorts at any moment, now! We So love suprises! It's like Christmas in July!!
Please do excuse us while we wait expectantly by the door for this nice young man...Queen Mum is seriously considering asking the nice young man wearing brown shorts if he would pose for a photo holding the parcel, but doesn't want to appear affected by the heat. However, the temptation is strong, and Queen Mum's resolve is weak, alas...
We will chat again very soon! Have a most Blessed Day!
I'm afraid we are having technical difficulties on two fronts. Queen Mum Rose couldn't get a photo to download, and Blogger ate her recent post of information regarding said problem. We are Not Amused. We will attempt to correct the situation and with Providence's help, post later this afternoon.
Wishing all a most blessed day!
For once, the technical difficulties I have with the Royals site is NOT the fault of Blogger (shhh, don't let them hear that!). Hence, no picture at this post. We are working on the problem and hope to have it sorted out by this afternoon.
HM Queen Emily seems to be experiencing a touch of Melancholia. I'm a bit concerned for her. I fear she's been overwhelmed by The Young Royals, so I gave them a quiet Time Out, and spent time with Emily alone.. She seemed to feel a bit better, as keeping up with all that youthful exuberance is daunting, to say the least. I'm thinking perhaps, having not been a mama herself, she still doesn't quite know what these tiny fuzzy creatures are supposed to be, exactly! When they are all grown, (which I personally hope is later rather than sooner!), I expect her to have an aHah!" moment and and the heirarchy of the House of Myres will be reestablished. After all, WHO IS QUEEN?!
Queen Mum is anticipating anothre parcel from the Most Gracious Godmother Deb, which will be delivered today by a man wearing brown shorts...how intriguing...the parcel is of interest, as well!
Have a Most Blessed Day, and we shall update everyone once the parcel is delivered.!