Good Monday Morning to All!
We apologise for not posting on Sunday as promised. No excuses...Queen Mum was distracted AGAIN...(We really must summon The Royal Physician to have a look at her!)
In Any Event, We have been experiencing true Technical Difficulties with Both Blogger and You Tube, where we downloaded the video(s). One video is loaded and ready to be viewed, the second, well, it reads "Image Coming". It's READ "Image Coming" since Friday. We tried to upload the video this morning, so we shall see. Perhaps both Blogger and You Tube are taking a long Columbus Holiday as well. We hear good bargains can be had at the Markets today. We wouldn't know of such things, since We never carry money, and we have staff for the more mundane things in life like shopping.

HRH Prince Brutus is betwixt looking like a Kitten and a Cat at this point in his life. When playing or Insisting that Stinky Goodness be served FORTHWITH, the Kitten returns. HM Queen Emily finds this causes her to have headache. She went to hide beneath her bed last night, after Stinky Goodness Evening Banquet.
We do hope you have a lovely day!
Thank you for visiting!
Here are the linkys to the videos...if you do not see anything but a "Coming Soon" notice, please do tell, as we will have to send Queen Mum to put the bitey on them!! She SO enjoys doing her own battles on days like today!