My Chemical Romance began their tour in Arizona on Friday. According to reviews, one being in with a few Gee Pix free of makeup, the reviewer was as impressed with their set as he was in a "secret" 200 patron gig he was at in England.
Found a link to a video somehow on the 23 of March that appeared on a blog I THINK is called
Don't worry you're still a victim in this game on a Windows Live site. If I can sort out the actual link, I'll post it to give credit to the video I hope will make it's appearance below:
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Are ya Bored?

While I attempt to dig out from My Present Personal Hell, I am giving you some playtime to occupy your Own Personal Hell.
If you have a problem with someone, you know how to "Spread the Venom" (hint:copy/paste/e-mail).
Bored? ((Over 100 questions))
[*] Part 1 -- The Basics [*]
What's your name? Emilyrose
Birthplace New Brunswick, NJ
If you have a problem with someone, you know how to "Spread the Venom" (hint:copy/paste/e-mail).
Bored? ((Over 100 questions))
[*] Part 1 -- The Basics [*]
What's your name? Emilyrose
Birthplace New Brunswick, NJ
Age Unlisted
Age you act 26
Current location New Jersey
Age you act 26
Current location New Jersey
Eye color brown
Hair color brown
Right, lefty or ambidextrous? righty
Zodiac sign? Scorpio
Height? 5'3"
[*] Part 2 -- Describe [*]
Your heritage/nationality Italian/Hungarian/German
Your hair shapeless
Your fears failure & regret
Your perfect room "my" room in Chris Gorell-Barne's home in Kent
What you practically do in a day nothing
[*] Part 3 -- What is/are... [*]
Words you overuse Oh, god
Phrases you overuse hating life right now
Your first thought when you wake up ahh, shit, another day?
Your greatest accomplishment there isn't any
Something you want to do die in England
[*] Part 4 -- This or that [*]
Pepsi or Coke Coke (cherry, done up at a soda fountain)
McDonald's or Burger Kings McDonald's ( ex: veggie burgs fm "The King")
Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera Brittany
Chocolate or vanilla no contest-both
Adidas or Nike Nike
Black or white " I want it painted BLACK"
Bills or Coins ((Think $$$)) Bills
Burgers or hot dogs burgers
Egypt or France France
Rock or rap I WANNA ROCK!
[*] Part 5 -- Do you...[*]
Smoke Never
Cuss always, I'm from Jersey, it's tradition
Sing well yes
Sing in the shower no
Talk to yourself always, (the only conversation I have)
Believe in yourself Noooooooo!
Like taking these longass surveys? kills time...
Play an instrument yup
Want to go to college? yup
Want to get married? I think I missed that particular boat...
Want to have children? ditto
Think you're a health freak? when I can afford the $$$ to be
Get along with your parents yeah, they're Dead!
Get along with your siblings? Hell, No! ( not even the Dead One )
Think you're popular fuck, no
Hair color brown
Right, lefty or ambidextrous? righty
Zodiac sign? Scorpio
Height? 5'3"
[*] Part 2 -- Describe [*]
Your heritage/nationality Italian/Hungarian/German
Your hair shapeless
Your fears failure & regret
Your perfect room "my" room in Chris Gorell-Barne's home in Kent
What you practically do in a day nothing
[*] Part 3 -- What is/are... [*]
Words you overuse Oh, god
Phrases you overuse hating life right now
Your first thought when you wake up ahh, shit, another day?
Your greatest accomplishment there isn't any
Something you want to do die in England
[*] Part 4 -- This or that [*]
Pepsi or Coke Coke (cherry, done up at a soda fountain)
McDonald's or Burger Kings McDonald's ( ex: veggie burgs fm "The King")
Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera Brittany
Chocolate or vanilla no contest-both
Adidas or Nike Nike
Black or white " I want it painted BLACK"
Bills or Coins ((Think $$$)) Bills
Burgers or hot dogs burgers
Egypt or France France
Rock or rap I WANNA ROCK!
[*] Part 5 -- Do you...[*]
Smoke Never
Cuss always, I'm from Jersey, it's tradition
Sing well yes
Sing in the shower no
Talk to yourself always, (the only conversation I have)
Believe in yourself Noooooooo!
Like taking these longass surveys? kills time...
Play an instrument yup
Want to go to college? yup
Want to get married? I think I missed that particular boat...
Want to have children? ditto
Think you're a health freak? when I can afford the $$$ to be
Get along with your parents yeah, they're Dead!
Get along with your siblings? Hell, No! ( not even the Dead One )
Think you're popular fuck, no
[*] Part 6 -- In the past month have you [*]
Gone out of state no
Drank alcohol no
Smoke no
Get high yes
Done any drugs Rx, lots...
Eaten an entire box of Oreos? in my dreams - can't get those at a food bank...
Been on stage no
Gone skinny dipping shit, no
Been dumped yup
Dyed your hair no
Stolen anything no
[*] Part 7 -- Your friends! =D [*]
Craziest Wesley
Loudest (vacant)
Most shy (vacant)
Blondest ??????
Smartest David
Gone out of state no
Drank alcohol no
Smoke no
Get high yes
Done any drugs Rx, lots...
Eaten an entire box of Oreos? in my dreams - can't get those at a food bank...
Been on stage no
Gone skinny dipping shit, no
Been dumped yup
Dyed your hair no
Stolen anything no
[*] Part 7 -- Your friends! =D [*]
Craziest Wesley
Loudest (vacant)
Most shy (vacant)
Blondest ??????
Smartest David
Kindest Danielle
Best personality a four way tie
Most talented Wesley (was a DJ, awesome)
Best singer dunno
Most ghetto yo, Wes is my boy!
Drama Queen ((or King XP)) I've been away from the Theatre too long...
Pain in the ass pass...
The one you just want to strangle to death ((Homer Simpson style)) no one
Funniest Louche Tabby
Best person for advice David
Dependable David
Trustworthy David
Best personality a four way tie
Most talented Wesley (was a DJ, awesome)
Best singer dunno
Most ghetto yo, Wes is my boy!
Drama Queen ((or King XP)) I've been away from the Theatre too long...
Pain in the ass pass...
The one you just want to strangle to death ((Homer Simpson style)) no one
Funniest Louche Tabby
Best person for advice David
Dependable David
Trustworthy David
Druggie none
Most likely to end up in jail no one
Person you've known the longest David
[*] Part 8 -- The Last... [*]
Last dream Suzanne calling me (my friend who died 3/5/08)
Last nightmare recently, I woke up screaming...
Most likely to end up in jail no one
Person you've known the longest David
[*] Part 8 -- The Last... [*]
Last dream Suzanne calling me (my friend who died 3/5/08)
Last nightmare recently, I woke up screaming...
Car ride today, before the police impounded it
Last time you cried see above for your first clue...
Last movie seen The Sixth Sense
Last movie rented The Queen
Last book read No Reservations by Anthony Bourdain
Last word said FUCK!
Last curse word said above with "Mother" as a prefix
Last time you laugh I honestly can't remember-last Thanksgiving?
Last phone call called Maria to pick me up from the E.R.
Last CD played American Idiot - Green Day
Last song you listened to Running from the Rain - Thursday
Last annoyance the police taking me to the e.r. for suicidal ideation, and being sent to wait in "chairs"-I one noticed...
Last IM a month ago
Last weird encounter today
Last person you hugged hasn't been anyone in a while
Last person you yelled at my reflection in the bathroom mirror
Last time you wore a skirt I always wear skirts
Last time you've been evil I'm always evil - ask Deb (death threats, the lot...)
Sarcastic? "Acid Tongue" is my nickname
Last time you fought with your parents/significant other N/A
Last time you wished upon a star a month ago, I guess
Played Truth or Dare never played
Spent quality time alone I'm alone all the time, there's no quality to it, tho
[*] Part 9 -- I swear this is the last one! -- Randomness [*]
Are you talking to someone on AIM/AOL/Messenger? no
Do you feel lonely yes and no
Ever TP'd someone's house no- TP's too effin expensive
How about egging someone's house missed that joy in life, too
Do you not like dislike not like me? sorry, didn't get that one?
Ain't Eminem and 50 Cent just fine? nope
Yo Momma _______ what about her, smartass???
Ever been so hungry you felt like you could eat the person next to you? Yes
What do you think of George Bush? Who? That Redneck from Texas?!
Any secret fetishes? yup
Do you like to wear chains? O_o: velvet ones
How many languages do you speak? 1 1/2
Damn.. are your fingers tired? Cause mine sure are! used to it...
Glad this is over? yeah
Last time you cried see above for your first clue...
Last movie seen The Sixth Sense
Last movie rented The Queen
Last book read No Reservations by Anthony Bourdain
Last word said FUCK!
Last curse word said above with "Mother" as a prefix
Last time you laugh I honestly can't remember-last Thanksgiving?
Last phone call called Maria to pick me up from the E.R.
Last CD played American Idiot - Green Day
Last song you listened to Running from the Rain - Thursday
Last annoyance the police taking me to the e.r. for suicidal ideation, and being sent to wait in "chairs"-I one noticed...
Last IM a month ago
Last weird encounter today
Last person you hugged hasn't been anyone in a while
Last person you yelled at my reflection in the bathroom mirror
Last time you wore a skirt I always wear skirts
Last time you've been evil I'm always evil - ask Deb (death threats, the lot...)
Sarcastic? "Acid Tongue" is my nickname
Last time you fought with your parents/significant other N/A
Last time you wished upon a star a month ago, I guess
Played Truth or Dare never played
Spent quality time alone I'm alone all the time, there's no quality to it, tho
[*] Part 9 -- I swear this is the last one! -- Randomness [*]
Are you talking to someone on AIM/AOL/Messenger? no
Do you feel lonely yes and no
Ever TP'd someone's house no- TP's too effin expensive
How about egging someone's house missed that joy in life, too
Do you not like dislike not like me? sorry, didn't get that one?
Ain't Eminem and 50 Cent just fine? nope
Yo Momma _______ what about her, smartass???
Ever been so hungry you felt like you could eat the person next to you? Yes
What do you think of George Bush? Who? That Redneck from Texas?!
Any secret fetishes? yup
Do you like to wear chains? O_o: velvet ones
How many languages do you speak? 1 1/2
Damn.. are your fingers tired? Cause mine sure are! used to it...
Glad this is over? yeah
Saturday, March 08, 2008
"She looks so natural. It's like she is just sleeping"

What a stinking lie. That has to be in the Guinness Book of world Records for the Dumbest Thing to come out of anyone's mouth. Ever.
I went to my friend and Mentor's funeral viewing today. I could not stay for the actual services, because from the time I caught glimpse of Suzanne, I lost it. I went up and knelt next to her, trying to remember a prayer, like a good Catholic School Survivor should be able to do. But all I did was began weeping, openly. And did not stop, for the 80-odd minutes I managed to stay secluded in the back row. The Funeral Home where the wake was held has an excellent reputation, but quite frankly, if Suzanne was hovering about, she'd have been appalled. Yes, she died of Cancer, and it is a brutal, emaciating disease. But all I could see of Suzanne was the Mortician's wax, seemingly applied with a putty knife. They left her eyes sunken in, and really, quite frankly, she looked like what she was - a corpse. A ghastly, white, dead body. Not the woman I remember going to tea shops with on a Saturday afternoon, and spending Thanksgiving Day with, just the two of us.
I noted, before I left that I was the only one crying. Maybe once the Priest arrived and the actual service started it was different, but I couldn't chance staying that long.
A lot of very bad feelings are surfacing for me, and I'm frightened of them. I'm lucky, no, Blessed to have my FuzzBabies.
I felt I could somehow keep myself relatively safe. I thought back in January I would get a low-paying job in no time. Two weeks ago I signed up for my 8th agency, and the young woman was compassionate. I nearly begged her for anything. She made a comment that in her nearly 7 years of working as a Staffing agent, she'd never seen it this slow. She said that in the previous 2 weeks, the agency had only 3 orders. Now my car is broke, I'm snowed under and I see no way out.
Except for the Kittehs, I'd be where I was in October, 2002.
Excuse me while I go wake one up for some kitty therapy.
I went to my friend and Mentor's funeral viewing today. I could not stay for the actual services, because from the time I caught glimpse of Suzanne, I lost it. I went up and knelt next to her, trying to remember a prayer, like a good Catholic School Survivor should be able to do. But all I did was began weeping, openly. And did not stop, for the 80-odd minutes I managed to stay secluded in the back row. The Funeral Home where the wake was held has an excellent reputation, but quite frankly, if Suzanne was hovering about, she'd have been appalled. Yes, she died of Cancer, and it is a brutal, emaciating disease. But all I could see of Suzanne was the Mortician's wax, seemingly applied with a putty knife. They left her eyes sunken in, and really, quite frankly, she looked like what she was - a corpse. A ghastly, white, dead body. Not the woman I remember going to tea shops with on a Saturday afternoon, and spending Thanksgiving Day with, just the two of us.
I noted, before I left that I was the only one crying. Maybe once the Priest arrived and the actual service started it was different, but I couldn't chance staying that long.
A lot of very bad feelings are surfacing for me, and I'm frightened of them. I'm lucky, no, Blessed to have my FuzzBabies.
I felt I could somehow keep myself relatively safe. I thought back in January I would get a low-paying job in no time. Two weeks ago I signed up for my 8th agency, and the young woman was compassionate. I nearly begged her for anything. She made a comment that in her nearly 7 years of working as a Staffing agent, she'd never seen it this slow. She said that in the previous 2 weeks, the agency had only 3 orders. Now my car is broke, I'm snowed under and I see no way out.
Except for the Kittehs, I'd be where I was in October, 2002.
Excuse me while I go wake one up for some kitty therapy.
Thursday, March 06, 2008

Last night at 6:16 pm, I had a call from a former student of my Voice and Piano Teacher, Suzanne Ferris Hammer, telling me she had passed away from Uterine Cancer after a 2 and a half year struggle. She passed at 2:38 p.m. that afternoon, March 5th. I was told where the services will be and will be further informed of the arrangements as they are finalized.
I had known Suzanne since early piano and later, voice lessons. That was 30 years. When while I was in college, she told me one day with a smile, "Well, Rosie, I've taught you all I know..." I didn't want to stop seeing her every week. I didn't have to. We went out every Saturday, before my Dark Ages set in. We had cappuccino and brioche, spent hours in bookstores and in New Hope, Pa. She took me into Manhattan many times, showed me her "old neighborhood" on the Upper West Side. Taught me how to sing English Art Songs, Madrigals and Mozart arias. I was in a few of the plays she directed, even. As much as I hated acting, I'd do anything for her. She was my surrogate mother, my best friend, my sister. Our birthdays were 3 days apart, and she always picked up a Horoscope book for me when she got her own. She was into metaphysics and crystals back in the '50's, before it was "cool". The one piano piece I'll always associate with her is Shumann's "Scenes from Childhood". She loved Yorkshire Terriers, and at the time of her death owned 4 of them. I'm sure she made provisions for them.
Her husband, Emmanuel, ("Manny" to everyone else) passed in 1984. They had no children. So she "adopted" a few of her favourite students. I was blessed to be one of them.
As for my previous posting, I have no confirmation of my nemesis' demise. I don't expect one. Suzanne filled the void my so-called "dysfunctional" family left.
I don't, well, DIDN'T need anyone else.
So, just a note about the kittehs. I have plenty of food for them, at the expense of my own pantry, but no matter. THEY are my family now.
I intend to keep writing, only on another site. I've made friends there. It's a creative writing site, and very cathartic.
I hope whoever comes across this, even in bitter curiosity, has peace in their lives, as I mean no one malice, and never did.
Goodbye from the Royals.
The Queen Mother is Dead.
I had known Suzanne since early piano and later, voice lessons. That was 30 years. When while I was in college, she told me one day with a smile, "Well, Rosie, I've taught you all I know..." I didn't want to stop seeing her every week. I didn't have to. We went out every Saturday, before my Dark Ages set in. We had cappuccino and brioche, spent hours in bookstores and in New Hope, Pa. She took me into Manhattan many times, showed me her "old neighborhood" on the Upper West Side. Taught me how to sing English Art Songs, Madrigals and Mozart arias. I was in a few of the plays she directed, even. As much as I hated acting, I'd do anything for her. She was my surrogate mother, my best friend, my sister. Our birthdays were 3 days apart, and she always picked up a Horoscope book for me when she got her own. She was into metaphysics and crystals back in the '50's, before it was "cool". The one piano piece I'll always associate with her is Shumann's "Scenes from Childhood". She loved Yorkshire Terriers, and at the time of her death owned 4 of them. I'm sure she made provisions for them.
Her husband, Emmanuel, ("Manny" to everyone else) passed in 1984. They had no children. So she "adopted" a few of her favourite students. I was blessed to be one of them.
As for my previous posting, I have no confirmation of my nemesis' demise. I don't expect one. Suzanne filled the void my so-called "dysfunctional" family left.
I don't, well, DIDN'T need anyone else.
So, just a note about the kittehs. I have plenty of food for them, at the expense of my own pantry, but no matter. THEY are my family now.
I intend to keep writing, only on another site. I've made friends there. It's a creative writing site, and very cathartic.
I hope whoever comes across this, even in bitter curiosity, has peace in their lives, as I mean no one malice, and never did.
Goodbye from the Royals.
The Queen Mother is Dead.
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
Something from Nothing
Just a short nonsense sort of post today. Can't find the picture of Emily I was going to post with it, which is probably for the best.
I ran into an old childhood friend yesterday, who expressed sympathy to me about my brother "Butch". I knew what he was about to say, that he had died. I asked Frankie when he heard, and he said "oh, 2005, maybe 2006." Frankie is an African American, and it's not in their culture to be alienated from family members, so he seemed shocked when I told him I hadn't spoken to either of my brothers since my father died in 1995.
I'm not sorry to hear he's gone. Something told me after a 2 and-a-half-pack a day habit of Marlboro Reds and never using sunscreen on repeated exposure to the Jersey Shore sun, some sort of Cancer would be after him.
I have many reasons not to feel grief about this, but one reason to feel anger. I was never told he died. Regardless that we were mortal enemies since my birth, when he was sixteen years old,
I thought I might have recieved a death notice in the mail, at least.
I called my brother Jon's "domestic partner", Bernard and left a message for him at work. I told the young woman who answered the phone if he would please confirm that one of my brothers had died. Poor thing, she sounded flustered.
Bernard never called.
Apart from Butch's success in screwing me out of a third of my father's estate, and the trauma he relentlessly inflicted on me while growing up, I have to find a way to let the hatred go now.
I've been saving something for my own memorial service, if there ever will be one. There is a song by Green Day called (ironically) "Good Riddance (Time of your Life)" In deference to my parents, who I'm jealous as H&%# that HE got to see again before I did, I'm going to quote a passage of it here. It's as close to a prayer as I can come.
I ran into an old childhood friend yesterday, who expressed sympathy to me about my brother "Butch". I knew what he was about to say, that he had died. I asked Frankie when he heard, and he said "oh, 2005, maybe 2006." Frankie is an African American, and it's not in their culture to be alienated from family members, so he seemed shocked when I told him I hadn't spoken to either of my brothers since my father died in 1995.
I'm not sorry to hear he's gone. Something told me after a 2 and-a-half-pack a day habit of Marlboro Reds and never using sunscreen on repeated exposure to the Jersey Shore sun, some sort of Cancer would be after him.
I have many reasons not to feel grief about this, but one reason to feel anger. I was never told he died. Regardless that we were mortal enemies since my birth, when he was sixteen years old,
I thought I might have recieved a death notice in the mail, at least.
I called my brother Jon's "domestic partner", Bernard and left a message for him at work. I told the young woman who answered the phone if he would please confirm that one of my brothers had died. Poor thing, she sounded flustered.
Bernard never called.
Apart from Butch's success in screwing me out of a third of my father's estate, and the trauma he relentlessly inflicted on me while growing up, I have to find a way to let the hatred go now.
I've been saving something for my own memorial service, if there ever will be one. There is a song by Green Day called (ironically) "Good Riddance (Time of your Life)" In deference to my parents, who I'm jealous as H&%# that HE got to see again before I did, I'm going to quote a passage of it here. It's as close to a prayer as I can come.
Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road
Time grabs you by the wrist, directs you where you go
So make the best of this test, and don't ask why
It's not a question, but a lesson learned in time
It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right.
I hope you had the time of your life.
Billy Joe Armstrong
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