Good Morning!
The Royal Family woke at sunrise. The Queen Mum could have used a sleep-in, since she had but 2 hours sleep: all sorts of thoughts racing through Her head. She did recall part of a dream that fussed Her some, needing a nice hot cuppa at about 4:30 AM, but she declines to comment on it, preferring to keep it Her "Dirty Little Secret", she confided with a wink!
Godmother Deb sent The Young Royals a parcel, which arrived last evening. In it, were the Young Royals early kittenhood bed, which they recalled straight-away. Three brand new collars, one for each of the Young Royals, in the appropriate shade of Royal Blue, with very pretty whimsical designs, and one for HM Queen Emily, in a sporty shade of yellow, which She most enjoys. One can only wear those old hand-me-down diamonds and pearls from Grandmama for so long...the Royal Family were most impressed with the vast array of playthings, of all descriptions that Deb so carfully packaged. HM the Queen enjoyed the Young Royals antics for the better part of an hour.
It has been announced that this site documenting the Royal Family will be from today forward known as "Rose and the Royals". Rose is Our most gracious Lady-in-Waiting, and does a few things, here and there for us. Today, Rose plans to change the template to reflect the chosen Royal Title.
Well, that will be all for now. We have not had our breakfast yet, and yearn for a nice cup of tea.
Have a most Blessed Day!
"I'll tell you my dirty little secret..." Thanks Rose, since last night I've had that song in my head! It's a good think that I like the All American Rejects!
Guess what, I am getting ready to watch the movie "The Girl With the Pearl Earring". Wasn't it you who had that listed as a favorite movie? Hubby is goine for the weekend so I can watch those kind of movies!
Good Morning to your Royal Highnesses! Queen Emily, I hope that a cat befitting your Queenly station is getting enough rest. And Queen Mum?
Hi Guys!
Deb, don't feel guilty! I absolutely LOVED talking with you last night! Had a blast! That got my endorphins(sp) pumping and I was just buzzed! But in a good way! THANK YOU AGAIN for the package! I've already used one of the cameras! I'll slow down with the 2nd one! Have all weekend!
Kim, it IS maddening to get a song stuck in your head! Sorry, but I really do like that song, and LOVE the video!
speaking of loving a media event, girlfriend, you are gonna love Girl with a Pearl Earring! We have to DISCUSS when you've seen it. I ordered it 3 times on pay-per-view, and saw details I'd missed in the previous viewing. The first time was the "first impact" viewing, and I literally gasped at a few "shots" the director set up!
Hope you enjoy!!
Good morning to the royal family. You are all looking so cute . Her majesty sleaking around the corner and the youngins laying on the chair. How prescious!!!!
Oh, new pictures of the Royals. I love the closeness between Brutus and Marigold. Very touching. And Emily is such a regal beauty, they make quite a lovely family.
Yes, for some reason I am very tired today, couldn't seem to sleep tonight. Ever get a song "stuck" in your head????
My human pet loves that song that you and Kim both said you liked. Having never listened to the radio, though, I am not familiar with it.
Godmother Deb sounds more like a Fairy Godmother to me! What great presents! You're bound to have tons of fun now, especially while being so stylish in your new collars.
Hi there Royals! We's glad to meetcha. We putted your blog on our linky list at our blog and the Cat Blogosphere blog. We hopes that's ok wif you. If not gotta tell us. Hopes you enjoyed your tea too. Was it catnip tea?
~~ Sanjee and the rest of the House of the (Mostly) Black Cats [Hot(M)BC]
Hey, Deb, I hear music, too.
...la la...la...secret..
la...la...dirty little secret...
That song is in the air...
Must be a Houston thing, huh?
Hi guys!
Zeus, my furriend, you hit the nail on the head (sorry, that's a bean term, cause we have thumbs and can...oh, never mind) Godmother Deb IS VERY MUCH a Fairy Godmother, you are ab-so-lut-ely right. But I'll bet your used to being right, since I, personally, have never met a cat that wasn't always right...!!
hot(m)bc! Very nice ta meetchas!
I have a message from the Royal Family:
"We are most priveledged to have been added to your linky list, and We will be doing the same in kind, once HM The Queen Mother can figure links out...All the best to you!"
okay, fellow beans and FuZZes, off to din-din. That will no doubt awaken the Young Royals from the slumber they are enjoying (as I look on, enviously) and will provoke them to help themselves to my plate. Being Royal, and all...
We'll be checking in later!
Sooo cute!! Thanks for the comment on my blog. If you are looking for a copy of the bumper sticker, I believe you can right click on it and save. Give it a try ... if it doesn't work, let me know and I'll email it to you.
Hey Jenn, I DID get a copy of the "Bumpersticker" from your site-Thanks! I have it saved in Word...
might make stationary out of it!!
OK Rose, just watched the movie. I am disapointed about the way it ended, but liked the movie. I love Colin Firth, he's a great actor and very good looking! He's also sexy but don't tell my hubby I said that! LOL! If you like that movie, you might like "The Black Velvet Gown."
Kim, yeah, the ending left me kinda cool, too. Colin Firth Is HOT though! I just loved the few moments, when the director would pull out of a scene and almost at the last moment you'd see sort of a "framed painting", stuff like that...
anyway, The Black Velvet Dress??!
Uh-oh, I'm itching already!
I'm really beat, I can't type anymore! I want to know about Velvet Dress, though!
Chat manana!!
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