Beau's Aunt Teresa will be taking Beau to meet his flight, American Airlines # 4656,
departing 10:29am Central time.
It is a 764mi/2hour,9 minute flight.
Beau will arrive at NewYork's LaGuardia Airport
at 1:29pm EST.
(side note: AA has an 77% "On Time" average, so QM will have to dust off her Patience in the event of a delay)
A Car service was chosen based on name alone:
Blessed Limos of Edison NJ.
When Dennis, the owner asked how we came to select his services, we just commented of all those in the phone book, "Blessed Limo" seemed like a good ride!
Once Beau is collected at American Airlines "Priority Parcel" terminal, it will be a good 1 1/2 hour drive home, if no one sneezes.
In any event, We expect to be surprising New Mom Barbara at about 4:30pm.
Barbara has no camera, so we will have to loan her ours, with the stipulation she return it by Monday! That may sound mean, but Miss Barbara has a tendency to "collect" things.
At present, she has 1 of our dinner plates and the last 2 of our "company drinking glasses"!!
We need to thank those who are sending up Kitty Shower pressies (I haven't mention them to Barbara yet!) and the donations went entirely for litter pans, scoops, bowls, litter, food and a few toys to welcome him to his new home, until Aunt Teresa has a chance to send his personal things up.
In the package, there will be a few things of Angel Mom's Cathy - a pillow, perhaps a sweater, and a few other things.
Barbara has crocheted an afghan for Beau already, so Beau will have all the time he needs to acquaint himself with his Mom II whilst he senses his Angel Mom with him always.
There WILL be photos to follow!
Thank you all, and Blessings to Everyone!
Barbara and QM Rose
The Neighborly Royals
and Our New Neighbor
Gentleman Cat Beau
We's so excited about Beau's trip and can't wait fur him to meet hims new neighbors and new Mommy.
We fink Mom Cathy would approve completely.
Tomorrow is gonna be a really specshul day on the CB, we hope QM Rose can take lots of photos of the pickup at the airport.
Love & Purrs,
We are hopeful there will be no delays tomorrow so Beau's travel won't be prolonged. Can't wait to hear he's arrived safely at this new home.
Safe Journey Beau and QM Rose you are most awesome!
Mom Laure
The idea of sending something of his Angel Mom is wonderful. It will provide such comfort while he adjusts. First loosing her then his home, then the plane, then the car, then the new home - it would make me nervous too! God Bless Beau! We're praying for you!!
Marian and her babies in Houston
We are purring and sending positive energy for a safe and uneventful journey for Beau and QM Rose.
Miss Boo sends her love to Beau and hopes his journey is easy. We know he will have a readjustment but we are so glad that he will be so well cared for. We know Mom Cathy is smiling now knowing her boy is being taken care of.
Miss Boo
We are excited for Beau and Barbara. We hope the trip goes well, no delays, no sneezes. Sending lots of purrs.
We are purring Beau has a safe, on time, somewhat stress free trip tomorrow. It's so wonderful what you are doing to help out Beau to get to his new home!
We are purrrrraying that Beau's trip goes smoothly, and he arrives safe and at least somewhat happy. Is Beau going to have anything of Cathy's with him in his carrier? He might appreciate it if something like that could be arranged.
Hang in there, Beau. You're almost to the end of your travels.
So exciting! We are purring and praying for a safe journey for Beau and all involved. Love and hugs.
We are purring that Beau has a safe trip and that all goes well with his Mom 2. We know that his Angel Mom will be looking down on him and keeping him safe.
We are purring that Beau has a safe trip and that all goes well with his Mom 2. We know that his Angel Mom will be looking down on him and keeping him safe.
we are so very very happy. will there be posts tomorrow like when KC went to live with MommyML?
We will start our purrs now for safe travels for Beau. He will be a bit freaked out from the plane I'm sure, but hopefully will be able to settle into his new home quickly. We always say it takes about 2 weeks on average for a kitty to start to feel at home.
Cory and family
We will be keeping you close to our heart tomorrow Beau. Don't be frightened on your flight, you will be with safe loving people when it is over and you are in your new home!
Hope your box from Teresa comes quickly so you will have Cathy scented things to be with if you are nervous.
We love you Beau....Godspeed.
We have been following Beau's story from afar and just wish him a safe journey and all future happiness with his new Mom. It has been a heart breaking and heart warming story and our Äiti has cried lots over it.
we wish this handsome mancat well. Godspeed.
With loud purrs from Finland x
We can hardly wait for Beau to arrive at his new home!! Lots of purrrs and prayers for a safe trip and a smooth transition for Beau and Mom Barbara!\Your TX furiends,
Thinking of Beau from Australia. What a huge day for the special boy ... sending extra loud purrs.
Beautiful Gentlemancat Beau! I pray you have a SAFE journey.
Here's to you settling in quickly, and feeling at home again with Mom Barbara!
A BIG thank you from all of us to everyone involved with Beau's rescue operation!
Mom Cathy would be overwhelmed by everyone's support!
Have a safe journey, Beau!
Purring everything goes smoothly.
We're so excited for Beau and his new Mom. We're sending loads of purrs and prayers for a safe journey.
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
We just checked on Beau's flight and the flight number must be wrong because it says his plane landed real early this morning.
Laila and Minchi, you're absolutely right - My Bad!!
The correct flight number: AA-4656
Unless there is a delay on departures in Nashville, Beau may very well be airbourne as I type!
American Eagle Flight 4656
Departed: Nashville, Tennessee
Departure Time: 10:20 AM Gate: C10
Will Arrive: New York, La Guardia
Arrival Time: 1:08 PM Gate: C5
Curtesy American Airlines E-Mail Alert!
QM Rose
Bless ALL of you for helping Beau come to his new home.
My heart is full of love for him, while my eyes are still full of tears for Cathy.
Thank all of ou for your efforts to help Beau.
I haf a linkie to the flight info in real time on the CB.
QM Rose sent it to us so we could track Gentleman Beau's journey.
I will also open a Chatzy Room later this afternoon so we can discuss.
It would be wonnerful if QM Rose and Aunt Teresa could join us!
Love & Purrs,
We wish him a safe journey. It's very sad ... but we know little Beau will be well loved in his new home. We wept when we read that he was taking "a few things of Angel Mom's Cathy - a pillow, perhaps a sweater, and a few other thing".
We are sending him so much love.
Waiting and holding our breaths to hear that Beau has arrived in his new home!
Thanks for this minute by minute report about Beau's trip. We are so happy that he has such a great home. We can't wait to see pictures. Hope it all goes well and sending tons of purrs for good traveling.
so excited for everyone. I hope Beau is well and adjusts easily. this can not be easy for him
QM Rose, pleeze join us in the Chatzy Room later this afternoon.
Maybe we can chat all night long!!!!
It's on the CB, just click on the linkie to get in.
The password is purrsplace1, with a numeral one at tha end.
Love & Purrs,
Safe journey and blessings to all who helped Beau find a new home!
Is he there yet? We hope so!!! It is 2:38 our time so that should be about 4:30 your time! WOO HOO!!!
We hope all has gone well! Lots of purrs to Beau and to his new mom!
We can't wait for news!!!!
How is he?!!!!
How did things go???!!!
For any one checking in -
We have no first hand info, but from the chat room logs, Beau has made it to his noo furrrever home, and seemed to be seddling in quite happily.
Thank Cod! When we heard he was travelin AA, Mom nearly went into an apoplectic fit. We've been following Jack the cat that AA lost IN NY! We surely need stronger guidelines fur flying our furbabies. We are so happy Beau made it safely to his new home. We will continue to purr fur him!
Yay for Beau! Best wishes to him in his new firever home. A limo welcome? Woweeeeee!
Purring fer Beau...!
When the tears come to our eyes, it is a good thing if the story has such a happy ending as this. Thank you so much for keeping us all in the loop!
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