It feels as though it has been an age and a day since We last took pleasure in writing to you all.
Much has transpired, and much of that needs to be left in silent prayer and meditation within Our Hearts.
Our year, whilst as undulating as we are sure you find your own to be, has been overall good to Us. Our Birthday suprise was so much just that! Greetings from so many of you, and We are absent of our manners in not acknowledging each and every one of them individually. Please know, all your good Birthday Wishes were Our Most Treasured Gift of All. To be thought of kindly and to have you take time out of your very busy schedules to post Us a greeting, yes, even in Our Advanced Years, and lack of Character, was taken to heart and will be treasured always.
We would like to thank the Ace of all Re-purr-ters, K.C., for reporting on the Cat Blogosphere a day which We have to admit, We needed a showing of affection. One needs affection daily if One is to flourish, don't you find?
Much has transpired, and much of that needs to be left in silent prayer and meditation within Our Hearts.
Our year, whilst as undulating as we are sure you find your own to be, has been overall good to Us. Our Birthday suprise was so much just that! Greetings from so many of you, and We are absent of our manners in not acknowledging each and every one of them individually. Please know, all your good Birthday Wishes were Our Most Treasured Gift of All. To be thought of kindly and to have you take time out of your very busy schedules to post Us a greeting, yes, even in Our Advanced Years, and lack of Character, was taken to heart and will be treasured always.
We would like to thank the Ace of all Re-purr-ters, K.C., for reporting on the Cat Blogosphere a day which We have to admit, We needed a showing of affection. One needs affection daily if One is to flourish, don't you find?
I LOVE this little movie of Brutus. He sure know how beautiful he is, right? What a precious boy!
Again -- he reminds me of Audace with Grace's coloring! Just amazes me! (I don't know why, though; I studied genetics in a botony course in college once upon a time!)
Purrs from all of us in Grace's house!
It is so awesome to hear from you! We have been so worried about you. Glad to know you are okay. From your post, we will also be praying for you. Take your YRH!! Blessing always!!
Beau sent us to visit... it's lovely to meet someone new... hope you will be able to post often, it'll be nice to get to know you even better. We are Maggy and Zoey, and we live over at Zoolatry (www.zoolatry.blogspot.com). We're known for "stealing" kitty pictures and turning them into something new and different... then like Robin Hood, we give them back! So watch out for us. Again,
It's nice to meet you! I hope you are able to post more often now.
Beau sent me to visit.
Hi, We haven't met before but our new friend Beau sent us over. We'll be coming back to visit.
Jan's Funny Farm residents
KC said...
O, so glad to see you's back, Rose and the Royals. we's missed you so much. But sometimes fings... life happens.
Love & Purrs,
Good to see you posting again! We've missed all of you!
Ozzy, Alice, Bootsie, Freckles & Lola
So happy to meet you sweet bunch of ROYAL kitties! Good to have you back with us all!
Purrrrs Miss Peach
Very cute movie!!
Hi! It's nice to meetcha'!
ps - come and visit me!
Oh please come and join us, we would love to get to know you better!!!
It can be your welcome back party too!
see you there!
All of us are so pleased to meet you, and looking forward to getting to know you better!
Your loyal subjects,
& the Artsy Catsy staff
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