Good Friday to you all!
How We do miss you when life seems to take away the minutes which would allow us to visit more often with Our Most Loyal Subjects. (Shhh...this is Marigold...Queen Mum just had a Puurthday, and we always hear her mumblin' sumthin' 'bout "the old gray matter ain't what it usta be". We think she has what Beans call "Senior Moments"...but Queen Mum feels like a kid, and acts like one a lot of the time, so she SHOULD have 'nuff time to go to school, feed us stinky goodness, clean our litterbox, practice schoolwork on the 'puter, clean the House an' all that other Bean Stuff AND STILL let ya'll know how We Royals are doin', right?! Ohh! Here she comes, gotta dash!) Now where was I?
Oh yes, I wanted to thank you all for the birthday wishes, We had a most pleasant day! A schoolmate of mine treated me to Luncheon, and We received warmest greetings from Our friends, The Zoo, pacoandfriends, KC, Missy, Bear and ML, grr, midnight and cocoa and their Lady, Danielle and Jake, Rosie, Princess Fuzzaduzz, and Mr. Hendrix sang us the most lovely rendition of Happy Puurthday I have ever heard! Our Most Gracious Godmother Deb sent All the Royals a box of treats, and We recieved a beautiful Rose Quartz ring designed by Robyn of Crystals and Jewelry that was Commissioned by Godmother Deb as well! Yes, this was a very happy birthday, indeed!
We would also like to thank all of Our friends who have been purraying for us, because Our Lord and Creator has been listening very closely! Tomorrow, The Royals Uncle Davy will be escorting the Queen Mum to New York to pick up a car which was donated to her through a Blessed Organization called "1-800-Charity Cars". It is a green 1999 Saturn SL2!
Tomorrow will be exciting for Us Royals, as HM Queen Emily will see Uncle Davy for the first time in 5 months, and finally Their Royal Highnesses Prince Brutus and Princess Marigold will have the opportunity to meet the Uncle they have heard so much about! Queen Mum will have to show Our albums of photos since We arrived on June 24th, so We expect him to visit for quite a while...
We would like to thank you for visiting us, and Queen Mum mentioned a plan for a video...featuring Prince Brutus...when he's ready for his close-up...
Have a Blessed Weekend!